Saturday, January 30, 2010

Everything in life is a choice you make.

LIFE is nothing but it is totality of conscious choices that you continuously make. Whether you want it or not, you are choosing everything. Someone else does not choose for you in your life. It is you who make a choice.

An employee approach his boss,"Sir my wife said, I should ask for raise," the boss replied, " Okie, I will ask my wife, tonight whether or not I should give you raise!!!"

You may think somebody else decide, but it is continuous your choice, you make decision. Like, if somebody criticizes you, you chose to get offended, while if somebody praise you you chose to get faltered all because that our habit. This is unconscious thinking that someone else influencing your decision.

If you don't decide and let someone or incident to decide you go into the mode of 'paralysis'. Our life now is noting else then paralysis!!! In different situation you make different kind of decision is completely your choice. But you fool yourself by blaming it to others!!!

Only when you decide to live your life with-out any outside event, situation ,or others forces, you actually decide  to be lived.

We always feel like we are getting unfair result, all because we are not able to connect the cause of the effect of many things happen in our life.We have made it happen the way it is, unconsciously!!!

Like, if somebody criticizes you, you chose not to get offended....and relax !!!

1 comment:

coolguy said...

Interesting article.It is very true,we become what we think abt ourself.