Monday, March 2, 2015

Ichcha Shakti (desire), Gnaana Shakti (mental ability or wisdom) and Kriya Shakti (physical action)

Hinduism treats the universe as not merely physical matter but also as a mental creation of consciousness. Every event that happens in the world, is an outcome of Ichcha Shakti (desire), Gnaana Shakti (mental ability or wisdom) and Kriya Shakti (physical action), in the said order. First the desire is born, which then becomes karma that is planted in the subtler level of the mind before which it yields fruits to manifests itself in the physical/real world. 

To quote a simple example : First comes the desire to build a new home This is Iccha. Then the picture of the new home is created within the mind This is Gnaana. Thereafter, whatever is in the mind is put into action in the real world to create a physical structure of the building. This is Kriya. Likewise, even in medicinal sciences like Ayurveda and Homeopathy, it is believed that the disease first attacks the mind before it manifests itself in the physical body.