Monday, December 6, 2010

Cyber terrorism-Indian Perspective

Our entire nation was rocked by the tragic event that occurred on November 26, 2008. And this definitely wasn’t in a good way. One of our signature cities was literally brought to its knees and thousands suffered. It was discovered by Indian investigation agencies, internet phone account was used by the attackers to get instruction from their handlers. This introduced us to a new kind of terrorism i.e. “Cyber terrorism”.
Cyber terrorism is the premeditated use of disruptive activities, or the threat thereof, against computers and/or networks, with the intention to cause harm or further social, ideological, religious, political or similar objectives, or to intimidate any person in furtherance of such objectives.   
Security expert Dorothy Denning defines cyber terrorism as “... politically motivated hacking operations intended to cause grave harm such as loss of life or severe economic damage.”
Cyber terrorism as mentioned is a very serious issue and it covers vide range of attacks. Here, the kind indulgence is asked toward the definition of Cyber Crime. “Cyber Crime” is crime that is enabled by, or that targets computers. Cyber Crime can involve theft of intellectual property, a violation of patent, trade secret, or copyright laws. However, cyber crime also includes attacks against computers to deliberately disrupt processing, or may include espionage to make unauthorized copies of classified data.

Various kinds of cyber crime
1)      Unauthorized access & Hacking: -
Unauthorized access mean any kind of access without the permission of either the rightful owner or the person in charge of a computer, computer system or computer network. Every act committed towards breaking into a computer and/or network is hacking. Hackers write or use ready-made computer programs to attack the target computer. They possess the desire to destruct and they get the kick out of such destruction. Some hackers hack for personal monetary gains, such as to stealing the credit card information, transferring money from various bank accounts to their own account followed by withdrawal of money. By hacking web server taking control on another person’s website called as web hijacking.
2)      Trojan Attack: -
The program that acts like something useful but do the things that are quiet damping. The programs of this kind are called as Trojans. Trojans come in two parts, a Client part and a Server part. When the victim (unknowingly) runs the server on its machine, the attacker will then use the Client to connect to the Server and start using the Trojan.
3)      Virus and Worm attack:-
A program that has capability to infect other programs and make copies of itself and spread into other programs is called virus. Programs that multiply like viruses but spread from computer to computer are called as worms. Once it infects the computer it automatically spread the worm into other internet users.

4)      E-mail & IRC related crimes:-
a.      Email spoofing
Email spoofing refers to email that appears to have been originated from one source when it was actually sent from another source.
b.      Email Spamming
Email "spamming" refers to sending email to thousands and thousands of users - similar to a chain letter.
c.       Sending malicious codes through email
E-mails are used to send viruses, Trojans etc through emails as an attachment or by sending a link of website which on visiting downloads malicious code.
d.      Email bombing
E-mail "bombing" is characterized by abusers repeatedly sending an identical email message to a particular address. Like Sending threatening emails, Defamatory emails, Email frauds, IRC related.
            Cyber-terrorist can also have attack on human life. In case of an air traffic system that is mainly computerized and is set to establish the flight routes for the airplanes, calculating the flight courses for all the planes in the air to follow. Also, plane pilots have to check the course as well as the other planes being around using the onboard radar systems that are not connected to external networks; therefore it can be attacked by the cyber-terrorist.
A different example would be the act of cyber-terrorism against a highly-automated factory or plant production of any kind of product: food, equipment, vehicles etc. In case this organization is highly reliant on the technological control, including a human control only in the end of production, not on the checkpoint stages, then any malfunction would be extremely hard to point out, fix and as a result to spot out a cyber-crime being committed
Laws in Various Countries on Cyber Terrorism

1)      Singapore
New laws allowing Singapore to launch pre-emptive strikes against computer hackers have raised fears that Internet controls are being tightened and privacy compromised in the name of fighting terrorism The city-state's parliament has approved tough new legislation aimed at stopping "cyber terrorism," referring to computer crimes that are endanger national security, foreign relations, banking and essential public services. Security agencies can now patrol the Internet and swoop down on hackers suspected of plotting to use computer keyboards as weapons of mass disruption. Violators of the Computer Misuse Act such as website hackers can be jailed up to three years or fined up to S$10,000 ($5,800).
2)      New York
A bill sponsored by state Sen. Michael Balboni, R-East Williston, that makes cyber terrorism a felony was approved by the legislative body earlier this month and sent to the State Assembly. Under the legislation, cyber terrorism, using computers to disrupt, terrorize or kill, would become a class B felony, carrying a prison term of up to 25 years.
3)      Malaysia
Malaysia is to establish an international centre to fight cyber-terrorism, providing an emergency response to high-tech attacks on economies and trading systems around the globe, reports said. Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said during a visit to the United States that the facility, sited at the high-tech hub of Cyberjaya outside Kuala Lumpur, would be funded and supported by governments and the private sector.
The Interpol, with its 178 member countries, is doing a great job in fighting against cyber terrorism. They are helping all the member countries and training their personnel. The Council of Europe Convention on Cyber Crime, which is the first international treaty for fighting against computer crime, is the result of 4 years work by experts from the 45 member and non-member countries including Japan, USA, and Canada. This treaty has already enforced after its ratification by Lithuania on 21st of March 2004.The Association of South East Asia Nations (ASEAN) has set plans for sharing information on computer security. They are going to create a regional cyber-crime unit by the year 2005.
4)      United Kingdom
United Kingdom adopted Terrorism Act, 2000, which gives the definition of terrorism and also gives various provisions for Cyber terrorism.
5)      Pakistan
whoever commits the offence of cyber terrorism and causes death of any person shall be punishable with death or imprisonment for life,” according to the ordinance, which was published by the state-run APP news agency. The Prevention of Electronic Crimes law will be applicable to anyone who commits a crime detrimental to national security through the use of a computer or any other electronic device, the government said in the ordinance. It listed several definitions of a “terrorist act” including stealing or copying, or attempting to steal or copy, classified information necessary to manufacture any form of chemical, biological or nuclear weapon.
6)      In India
Although the term “cyber terrorism” is absent from the terminology of the Indian law, Section 69 of the Information Technology Act is a strong legislative measure to counter the use of encryption by terrorists. This section authorizes the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) to direct any Government agency to intercept any information transmitted through any computer resource.
Any person who fails to assist the Government agency in decrypting the information sought to be intercepted is liable for imprisonment up to 7 years. Article 300A of Constitution of India states that all persons have a right to hold and enjoy their properties. This also includes property rights to information stored on computers or in any electronic format.
Articles 301 to 305 refer to the right for free trade. As long as an individual carries out a business in accordance with law, it cannot be interfered. Besides, free trade and any commercial activities cannot be visualized without technological rights, which mean that any distortion of those is illegal. In India these provisions have been effectively used to protect individual property rights against the actions of cyber-criminals.
A big deal of protection is also provided by Indian Penal Code. Section 22 of it gives a definition of a “movable property” stating that it also includes all corporal properties. It means that any information stored on a computer can be conveniently regarded as a movable property as it can definitely be moved from one place to another and is not attached.
Section 29A of the Code with Section 2(1)(t) of the Information Technology Act provides that “electronic record means data, record, or data generated, image or sound stored, received or sent in an electronic form or microfilm or computer generated microfiche”.

Therefore, cyber terrorism is becoming major tool for terrorists and thus it is getting more essential to frame policies to counter these attacks.